domingo, setembro 17, 2006

My First Time in a Cat-Walk

Persons from all over the world were in Hornsjø, this last weekend, for a conference organized by Humana People to People. So, there was plenty of work to be done in the hotel, by the DI`s, like serving, cleaning and cooking. Besides that, we were also invited to organize a fashion show and to be the models. The goal was to promote this kind of event in other Humana shops and, of course, to sell the clothes!
In the beginning, most of us were not very interested in participating in the event, but finally eight persons were convinced that it could be a good experience: I, Raquel, Jenny, Mantas, Andris, Anti, Vala and two girls from Humana Bulgaria.
Time was not on our side and there were a lot of things to be done. It was Wednesday when we started preparing the things and the cat-walk was planned for Sunday morning. So, it was time to delegate tasks and take our body measures.
The clothes arrived on Friday and, to be completely honest, I had some problems choosing the outfits. In fact, they were not really my style, but I decided not to think about that. Just relax!
On Saturday we were told that the fashion show was going to be in that night. So, everyone was in a hurry to take care of the last details and also to do the final and also first rehearsal.
At 8h30 p.m. we met in the big classroom to put the make-up and also to do something with the hairs. At that time we were nervous, but also excited with what was going to happen.
The fashion show started at 9h30. Almost 200 people were seated in the conference room to watch the event. Most of us had never done this before, but we managed to do it alright. At least, nobody fell!
I can say that I enjoyed the time I spent preparing the show because we worked well as a team. Of course, sometimes I felt tired, but if I could turn back time, I would do the same again. I like to test myself: then I feel I am alive!